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02/03/2002 Entry: "Excuse Me, Was This Yours?"

More Odds and Ends links. Your call as to which are odd and which are ends:

I need some of these. Why, I don't know. But I do. (Link from Jon.)

Have you lost something? Hey, it's as valid a use of the Web as any other. Besides it's the little perks that make public transportation more appealing.

life's not a paragraph. I don't remember who linked here, but thank you. e.e.cummings makes me smile; so does Edith Massey, but in a different way.

Finally, Steven is back! Even though I've sucked at sending him email while he's been away, I'm extremely pleased that he's returned, shocking color palette and all. (Smooches, Steve!)

Replies: One Comment

"Even though I've sucked at sending him email while he's been away."... don't you mean "Even though Steve has sucked at sending me email while he's been away.". If anyone owes anyone email, dear, it's me to you... not the other way 'round. :)

Posted by steve @ 02/06/2002 01:41 PM PST

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