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07/02/2002 Entry: "The Latest In (Useless) Code Technology!"

Oh, I'm all over David Gwynn's Otherstream Code:

  M31 Ed2 Oc3 Soc- Ind FV Lit1267 7 PolLb+L+ Rl-- Mus123457 Crn-
  SxB+ Or+ Ag+ Rp++ Sl- Fet1+3+5+6+7- Tec+ Toy17 Cn+ Int12345

I'm a sucker for codes and quizzes, as you may have noticed. I had a feature for a while compiling those online tests and crap, but the page disappeared from the server. Dunno why, either. Shrug. Maybe I can find an old version and post it when I get to that point. (Yes, I'm slowly redesigning the site. So far I've made literally one change to the page template in preparation for this, but hey, it's a start.)

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