The last couple of weeks before the office closes for Christmas and New Year's always creep slowly by, but this year even moreso. I have nothing—zero—nada—zilch—no work to do at all. Everything is on hold until the new year. Everyone is packing in their time off right at the end of the year, so even if there were something here to do, no one would be here to hand it off to. The December Doldrums: They seem to have happened earlier this year than ever. I left "work" on Friday completely devoid of energy. I vaguely thought about not decorating the house for Christmas at all this year, even though I love decorating my little goth tree. I wandered through a relatively sedate Bed Bath and Beyond to pick up a gift item, felt a little better. Enough so that I got my elf on and put the Death Rock Angel back up to her rightful place. This year's addition to the tree are a half dozen tiny rubber bats, to go with the black rats and glow-in-the-dark spiders. Who says I don't have the spirit of the season? 
Well, from then on, my attitude changed 180 degrees. I went shopping at Flax (easy to do; I can get lost in there for hours.) We hit holiday parties. Once I got the Boyfriend out of bed I was a slavedriver. We got nearly half of our remaining shopping done. (Mostly for his family; I still have my family and friends to buy gifts for.) When I got home last night, though I was pretty exhausted I at least made a massive list of things I have to do before we fly to DC for Christmas. Of course, today I am back at work and have no motivation to do anything besides surf the Web. Ain't that just the way? Sigh. Somebody wake me up at five... |