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12/29/2003 Entry: "Awkward Vacation Moments Quiz."

1a. Which is more frightening: being identified as your boyfriend's "son" by a waiter in a Thai restaurant, or having his mother correct the man to say that you're his "partner?"

1b. What if a photographer later that same week also called you his son?

1c. What if the photographer was shooting a formal family portrait at the time, in which you were also included? And all family members were dressed in identical clothes for the picture, like a really large folk music group or some Christian cult group?

Other than that we had a good visit with The Boyfriend's family. The flights were uneventful both ways, with completely uncrowded airport security on both ends. I finally got to meet the only other sibling I hadn't met yet, an electrical engineer who very closely fit the stereotype of engineers. His eyes lit up when I understood what vi was, though his heart broke when I told him I used a Mac. Our gifts arrived without a problem; and though I was a little worn out after wrapping them all in one night (airport security, you know), when they were opened on Christmas nearly everyone seemed pleased with what they got. His mother (who was thrilled to be able to give me a sweater vest—in burgundy, no less) even let us sleep in the room with the double bed this year. Which is always a plus.

Now I only have two or three Christmases more to do this year.

Replies: 3 comments

Oh, the days since photographing bathroom stalls back at UC(SB? SD? Is there really a difference?).

To quote a billboard, "You've come a long way Baby!"

Posted by Colin Davis @ 12/29/2003 12:31 AM PST

o-w. At least no one called the local police on grounds of statutory rape?

Ah yes, college days: when one can find true rapture with almost anything. Boys, girls, plants...

Posted by -J. @ 12/30/2003 08:17 AM PST

...being identified as your boyfriend's "son"...

You can tell that there's a bit of an age gap between you and the boyfriend, but I've never thought it looked THAT big. (Says the woman who drools over Kelly Osborne even though she IS old enough to be her mother.)

...all family members were dressed in identical clothes for the picture...

Run away! Run away!

The disconnect between one's partner and their family can be quite amusing at times, can't it? (Of course, I'm only saying this because it wasn't me who had to be in the picture.) Seriously though, I'm constantly grateful that Sherilyn doesn't hold my family's insanity against me.

Posted by Katrina @ 01/02/2004 09:54 AM PST

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