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Saturday, January 11, 2003 Other People's Stuff. First, my sympathies to Aaron and his family. Not only is he a good man who gave what he could to his grandmother, but his entries about Grandma Duck's last days have made me tear up here at work. Peace to you, my friend. So much happening out there in the blogosphere: Vince has a new site at which to ponder the Buddha Nature of the Internet. Mark and Chuck both bought new houses. And Sparky's having his not-a-wedding. So what about my stuff? What have I been doing? Not so much. I spent the week spinning my wheels on a project at work and then coming home and spinning a different set of wheels playing Vice City. I've been trying to not feel like I'm completely ineffectual at work; I'm pretty sure I'm just been a little run-down from late nights and resisting a cold. Those always make my mood a little sour. I spent the early part of the week feeling completely extraneous—a little bit good at a bunch of things, but not very good at anything in its entirety. Again, I think that's just me being moody. I'm doing my best to just press ahead and do what I have to. Then there's the matter of trying to maintain a good attitude at work even with rumors of layoffs coming. At this point, I know nothing more about it nor if it's true—the rumors haven't exactly come from reliable sources, either. Regardless, this is not the best moment to feel redundant. Other things like housework and my papers have been piling up a bit, which I should attend to this afternoon And I need to make some decisions: Do I want to go to SXSW? Do I want to try out for Blogwhore2? Do I want to get a cellphone/"convergence device"? I did finally make it to MacWorld Expo, and thought of William Ted everytime I talked to cute geek boys at the booths. I certainly understand the appeal...iCandy. (Oh my Odd, I can't believe I just wrote that...). Shy guys with hairy chests peeking out from under their logo-embroidered polo shirts? Mmm. Boys with nice arms and winning smiles who could talk at length about technical issues with OS X? Mmm. Not so much the guy with the kilt, though.
03:25 PM PST (link) ![]() Wednesday, January 8, 2003 The Delicate and Ethically Repugnant. It is nearly midnight—prime gaming hour in my house—but I am not going to turn on the PlayStation. No, I am not. No, really. I will not spend another night—all night, until a positively shameful hour of the morning—playing the morally reprehensible and ultra-violent (but fun) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. (Everyone who's heard of it but not played it asks about the prostitutes. How about armed robbery? Assassination? Mass murder? No, they all still want to hear about that (admittedly disturbing) bit with the prostitutes. [shrug]) I digress: tonight I will resist. Because I am instead going—at nearly midnight—to go to the grocery store for edible flowers. Because I am nothing if not in favor of contrasts.
12:02 AM PST (link) ![]() Tuesday, January 7, 2003 Unrelated. At 11:15AM I got an email from my mother: At 11:14AM I got a message from a coworker: Ah, MacWorld; the magic begins. (I'll get to go on Friday, if not earlier. Please don't get that lighted keyboard too sticky in the interim.)
04:04 PM PST (link) ![]() Monday, January 6, 2003 Now Is The Day For Me To Put A New One On The Top. No, really, I've been doing more than just playing Spite and Malice, I swear. See, I had decided that I couldn't start writing here again until I'd at least summarized my trip to the East Coast. But by the time I sat down to actually write it, I was so tired of telling the story. It was boring me, and I'm sure it would bore you. So to compromise, and to get the ball rolling again, I'll tell you about my trip in Mad Ape Den. (Well, pretty close to valid Mad Ape Den, anyway.) (Link via Brad.) Oh, how we did fly in NYC, as a bee may fly; Bzz-Bzz! I had set out a lot for us to see by day six, so we had to bob to and fro at day one! The air was icy, but ice was not on us (as it was not so wet.) The Emp. St. Bdg. in the PM, was a way-big icy air bit! Brr! We did go to see a gal and guy (and a pal or two of guy and gal) in a new act (and an act two, too.) The guy and gal and pal and the lot did not act bad, no sir! We saw the old hut for an ex-elf who was not in now, but we did go to see the Old Man in the Red Cap (you saw him too, I bet, on Dec. 25!) and to see the mad toy-buy bit out by him, but we did not put any bit of it in a bag for us. But, yes, we did go buy a new rag (or six) at H&M for us to put on--had to hit the ATM to pay. Ack! Saw art at the Dia (The BF was not so hot on it; Mod Art was rad, I say!) and at a big art box, and at an art hut or two. And we saw a big new sex pad too; it was so-so, but I was not sad I saw it. Had a hot tea at Big Cup—how gay! And we saw Jim C. (who was in SF but now is in NYC) do a set in a pub. His set was so hot. Go see him! We return you now to your irregularly programmed schedule, already in progress.
03:15 AM PST (link) ![]() |
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