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Friday, February 8, 2002 When It Rains, It Snows. This has not been how I expected this week to go. Four AM is not a proper bedtime: It just makes your Thursday (and your Friday) a little surreal. From a very tasty but unexpected long lunch, to being buried under clipboards at Ba-Da-Bingo, being followed into a taqueria, making the regrettable decision not to meet online friends for drinks (I'm sad I missed you, though I would have been totally ill this morning had I gone,) and then rushing through the official corporate performance review process for a deadline, while on deadline, while trying to leave early, while cancelling the contract of that attractive freelance worker...it all seemed so strange. Wonder if I'll get some time this weekend to make it to the Alternative Press Expo. Who can say. It's not like I don't have work to do, nor anything else important to do. Gotta go; time for Soup.
06:00 PM PST (link) ![]() Thursday, February 7, 2002 Next: The 'What Kind of Nap Would You Be' Quiz. Goodness, when it rains it pours, doesn't it? Not only did I get the name of my Swiff Partner this week, but also a new corpse slice. I'm going to need Meme-aholics Anonymous shortly. Especially since Fredo and I are co-sponsoring a category for The Anti-Bloggies. I can't decide what category I should be campaigning to win. "Most Banal Content?" "Least Updated?" Do they have a category for "Most Psychotic?" Once upon a time I'd have been a shoe-in for "Most Caffeinated." No longer; I'm down to just two or three cups a day, tops. It may still sound like a lot, but this is down from about eight servings a day last year. I haven't had espresso in weeks. I'm not even using soda or mints to suppliment. I don't know what happened. And judging by the time stamp of this entry, it hasn't been the coffee that's kept me awake this late. Can I get that meme in decaf, please?
02:56 AM PST (link) ![]() Monday, February 4, 2002 Dark, Thin and Lovely. A late afternoon cup of coffee and a pack of chocolate-flavored Pocky? Oh yes; It's just so right.
05:35 PM PST (link) ![]() Sunday, February 3, 2002 Excuse Me, Was This Yours? More Odds and Ends links. Your call as to which are odd and which are ends: I need some of these. Why, I don't know. But I do. (Link from Jon.) Have you lost something? Hey, it's as valid a use of the Web as any other. Besides it's the little perks that make public transportation more appealing. life's not a paragraph. I don't remember who linked here, but thank you. e.e.cummings makes me smile; so does Edith Massey, but in a different way. Finally, Steven is back! Even though I've sucked at sending him email while he's been away, I'm extremely pleased that he's returned, shocking color palette and all. (Smooches, Steve!)
10:50 PM PST (link) ![]() Geek Decisions. Last night, spurred on by the Boyfriend's purchase of a new laptop and a little jealous of my mom's new drive, I bought an open package 60 Gig Portable Drive. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it yet. It's bigger and heavier than I expected, isn't powered through the Firewire port, and is only 5400 RPM. On the other hand, it's plenty of space and cheaper than the smaller, faster drives or similar "stationary" drives. I know, should this be the worst of my problems. But still...to return it or not? Harrumph.
10:11 PM PST (link) ![]() |
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