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Saturday, February 28, 2004 Are Things Getting Better, Or Are They Getting Worse? "You shouldn't work 11 hour days when you're sick." At least I'm only a little sick. Vince was so sick his blog fell apart. It's a bit better now, as are we both. But while I'd rather not trade sicknesses, I'm still a little jealous that he got better drugs than I did. Going into work on a Saturday won't make me any better, either, I'm sure. Blah. Tangentally related (and only barely): Thirteen Ways to make Orkut better. It's an interesting service, but definitely not all-the-way baked yet. (I'm also just now starting to explore Friendster and Tribe.net, so I'm hardly on the bleeding edge of things.) If we've met (or at least exchanged fairly substantial email correspondence) and you'd like an introduction to join Orkut, shoot me a message and let me know what email address you'd like me to use.
02:58 PM PST (link) ![]() Wednesday, February 25, 2004 I'm Just Fine, Dammit. My mother called me last night. "I figured that since you didn't post," she explained, "that you were either busy or sick." Call it Mother's Intuition for the Internet Age. Indeed, I've been sick for the past few days. I'm only barely back at work today, but there are too many projects that need to get out for me to spend any more time sick at home, vegging out in front of Phantasy Star Online and sleeping. I hate it when the meat gets needy. As usual, I ran out of TheraFlu in the middle of being sick, so yesterday I made the traditional As long as my work consists of staring, glassy-eyed, at my computer monitor. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to float over to my 2:30 Meeting. ...What is it that I do here again?
02:23 PM PST (link) ![]() |
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