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Thursday, March 11, 2004 We Do Not Riot On Our Planet. From the sound of the helicopters outside around Civic Center, it sounds like Arnold really does expect riots over gay marriage tonight. I mean, come on, it's just a MECA rally. Of course, the California Supreme Court blockage is only a setback, not the end; we won't know more here until May or June. But I know friends who had marriages planned for next month (yes, you, sweetheart) who I'm feeling a little dissappointed for tonight. Add to that the horror of the bombing in Spain; You probably know I have such a strong connection in my mind between terrorists and Spain already, so you might also expect that even the fact that I made gaspacho last night makes me feel somehow psychically implicated. It doesn't really matter where we go from there—say, a report on potentially toxic snack food, to get me watching the skies for another reason: Hoping that the mothership comes to take me back to my home planet soon. Assuming I'll be able to see them between all the advertisements. Oh, Homelanders hurry; these humans, they be crazy.
07:42 PM PST (link) ![]() Sunday, March 7, 2004 Bad Blogger! Yesterday I was sitting at the computer, trying to compose a post for this Weblog, when the sun came in through the blinds and shone across the screen. I looked out at the clear blue sky, lifted the sash and felt a warm breeze blow through. I saw the beautiful weekend weather and realized a divine truth: it was far to bright outside to be stuck at my computer writing. So I went in the livingroom to play with the Gamecube. There was less glare. Today it occured to me that I could get more accomplished if I closed the blinds. But I think I may have left something in the other room anyway...Yes, here it is: a rationalization.
04:46 PM PST (link) ![]() |
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