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Saturday, March 31, 2001 Yes, she mentioned parchment paper... "This is great. She does all the heavy lifting and we just give out the number!"
10:55 AM PST (link) ![]() Way of the Drunken Master New Diary Entry posted. Let this be a lesson to you, friends: Don't drink and post.
12:06 AM PST (link) ![]() Why do I bother? You'd think I'd learn: Mozilla 0.8 = triple posts in Greymatter. Thankfully Noah's scripts are nifty-convenient in being able to fix stuff. Well, if I intend to do the work I'm going to do this weekend from home, I'll have to install The Beast. Can you say Yuck, Children? I knew you could.
12:05 AM PST (link) ![]() Friday, March 30, 2001 Y'know, that one song? Y'know that feeling when you remember something and try to find it and just can't? I don't have quite enough information to find a song I vaguely remember from the mid 80's...the title was something like "New York Opening for a West Coast Artist" (but not that, because I've searched for all that already)...there's a generous spoken word bit in the middle...and the man singing/speaking it at one point says something like "Well, what do you expect? He's from Jersey...". Anyone remember it? And no, I wasn't on Napster or anything, why?
11:52 PM PST (link) ![]() Thursday, March 29, 2001 Who's overreacting? "Enter Username, Password:" [Cancel] "Your attempt to enter this site has been logged. Your IP address is also now flagged as a possible intruder's IP address. This site is for authorized users with permission from X-Concepts personnel. Any attempt to access this site without prior authorization is Illegal." Wow, heavy. Of course all I did was try to access the index page at your top level domain. Jeez. Relax. On the other hand, I'm now a possible intruder. Cool.
04:53 PM PST (link) ![]() Nothin'. No really, I got Nothin'. In what little free time I've had, I've been reading other bloggers and sending personal email; and you've probably seen my 'toys' page, so you know where I go. So I'd rather not just make gratuitous cross-posts just for the sake of posting links. Gratuitous meta-entries, now that's another matter...
01:20 PM PST (link) ![]() Tuesday, March 27, 2001 S'emmerder. I'm sure there's something productive I could be doing. But I really don't feel like doing it, and particularly not for people who abbreviate poorly. Who the hell is this "Señor Management", anyway? My spelling and grammar may be shot to hell, but I can at least abbreviate correctly.
03:49 PM PST (link) ![]() Surprise Ingredient Number One Technically, it is a fruit. But as it was a point of discussion Sunday afternoon, I thought I should confirm that the tomato can indeed be used in some desserts. In case, you know, you ever felt like taking on a challenge.
02:41 PM PST (link) ![]() So QuirkyTogether... "Your score was 82. Somewhat quirkyalone (otherwise known as quirkytogether): You are probably part of a mysterious group of people, the quirkytogethers. You share many of our quirky qualities, but you manage to find yourself, on a regular basis, in a coupled situation. Interesting."
12:18 AM PST (link) ![]() There's a li-i-i-ight... Note to self: the candles are not under the bed, although that's where you'll find the boxes of momentos and art photos, the synthesizer and drum machine, the piles of porn archived research materials, the soft-sided luggage, the chair mat which needs to be thrown away, and a whole bunch of dust. Remember, kids, make sure your queen or king size mattress has good center support, and don't try to knock that bar out of place with the broken chair pad (see above). Bad things happen, the least of which involve inhalation of large quantities of dust (see above.) By the way, if you need any tealights for any reason, let me know. I bought a bag of fifty or so last Christmas and only use about two a month, tops.
12:18 AM PST (link) ![]() Monday, March 26, 2001 Oh yeah, that's it... If I don't get home from work until 10:10PM, and it takes me an hour to prepare and eat dinner, and I was already cranky and tired, what made me think, at 9:43PM, that I would actually recode pages to get a start on the impossible task ahead of us tomorrow? What am I, some kind of idiot? Don't answer that.
11:42 PM PST (link) ![]() Right! Prepare the firebombs. Aha! The culprits have confessed! Many thanks to Dean Allen at Textism for finding the smoking gun. So any idea who came up with this "lovely" new "identity"? It seems oddly familiar, though. Isn't that strange?
01:09 AM PST (link) ![]() Sunday, March 25, 2001 Vapid as a box of hair. Whoops, forgot to mention: yesterday, I posted a new diary entry, which is all about...my hair. I'm so profound. I also signed up for the Diaryland Gold service, as my free counter service was expiring and dang it, it's just the right thing to do. So I need to come up with an ad banner for the diary which, well, shouldn't be a problem.
04:37 PM PST (link) ![]() Buzz! My Roommate says they have a funny aftertaste. I haven't noticed. My solution has been to just not stop eating them. Zzzzoooom! Alternately, you could just kill the aftertaste with some candy and mints, or chew some gum, or have some, um...more mints. You can order the whole set. Just don't get an "All Your Base" t-shirt. Please, I beg you. The new Penguin Cinnamons are pretty tasty, I must say. And they're selling a decaf mint now, for those of you who prefer to sleep. (Freaks.)
04:22 PM PST (link) ![]() |
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