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Casey/Male/31-35. Lives in United States/California/San Francisco/The Mission, speaks English and  . Spends 80% of daytime online. Uses a Faster (1M+) connection.
This is my blogchalk:
United States, California, San Francisco, The Mission, English, Spanish, Casey, Male, 31-35.

Who Links Here

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Sewn By Billy, Age Seven.

Sewn By Billy, Age Seven.
Please, don't drink and sew.

01:42 AM PST (link)

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Geek Weiner Shame.

It's cool having friends who invite me in to things like the Beta of Yahoo!360°, the new social networking portal—think Friendster but tied into your Yahoo! account, or Orkut, but not in Brazilian Portuguese.

(Note: I have, apparently, drunk enough corporate Kool-Aid over the years that I don't even flinch while adding in the exclamation point in Yahoo!'s corporate identity. Somebody shoot me.)

However, for a brief time until I figured out how to configure my page there, I exposed the world to the profile name that I use to view...um...some yahoo groups, which were also displayed, which have...er, baser themes than are usually... [deep inhale] OK. I'll come out and say it: it exposed my porn-browsing profile name. It's not like I was showing my cookie to everybody, but at the same time you didn't need to know (but probably could guess) that I was a member of the "hairymanphotos" community.

This is basically the digital equivalent of leaving your fly open. And somewhat literally so. Hi everybody! *ziiip!*

(And if you're interested in an invitation to Yahoo! 360, I think I can invite people. Let me know.)

05:23 PM PST (link)


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