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Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Did Somebody Say Price Drop?!?
Right Side of Brain: The PSP Core System is having its price reduced tomorrow!!!
Left Side of Brain: So? You've suspected they were going to do that for months now. I'm almost surprised they didn't do it before Christmas.
RSoB: But the price is coming down! Want Pretty! Want Pretty Now!
LSoB: Now? We're busy now.
RSoB: Want New Toy Now!
LSoB: You don't need a new toy. You have too many toys already.
RSoB: You're talking crazy now. There's no such thing.
LSoB: ORLY? How many Wii games do you still have in their shrinkwrap?
RSoB: Um...four, maybe?
LSoB: FIVE, genius. Not to mention the Gamecube, PS3, PS2 and XBox games you've never played.
RSoB:You know I was never good with numbers.
LSoB: And besides which, all you ever seem to do is play World of Warcraft anyway.
RSoB: Yeah, but I just got my pretty pony made entirely out of bones and...
LSoB: That's not the point. Why do you need one?
RSoB: My Boney Pony? Duh, so I can ride...
LSoB: (Interrupting) No, goofus. Why do you need a PSP?
RSoB: Oh...well duh, more platforms means more games! It's got pretty graphics.
LSoB: True, it's output is pretty impressive for its size. But don't you want to wait for the smaller, redesigned version?
RSoB: ...
LSoB: ...
RSoB: Want Pretty Now!
LSoB: Oh, you're hopeless.
Wrist: (to Wallet) Shoot me now.
Wallet: (to Wrist) Tell me about it.
10:26 AM PST (link) ...Add a comment?