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Saturday, May 5, 2001 No Roses. Since it's one-thirty, and I've just woken up and am sitting unshowered with my first cup of coffee, I think it's safe to say that I won't make it to my friends' Kentucky Derby party. But there's still time to pick a winner.
01:39 PM PST (link) ![]() Friday, May 4, 2001 Like Water for Chocolate Fudge Ripple Are you drinking enough water? How much do you really need? I found that story at Lotsofco., who really loves his ice cream. Incidentally, my dad and I have a running gag about my grandparents in Shreveport offering us any of, oh, about seven different flavors they had of Blue Bell Ice Cream in their huge storage freezers. Now, it does get a touch warm in Northern Louisiana in August, so we rarely turned it down when it was offered, but it happened enough that to this day we'll joke in our thickest, slowest drawl: "Y'all wah-ant some Blue Bay-yell?"
03:54 PM PST (link) ![]() Owie! Splinter! That's it, I give up. I'm quitting advertising altogether and moving north up the coast, where I can start a brand new career.
12:12 AM PST (link) ![]() Tamawhat? Is that like a pocket monster? You played with Tamagachi ("I don't like this game!"). You might have even downloaded and played with tamagothi. Now, this, while a little late, is funny. In a sick way. But really, isn't that the best way? (Link via Chris.)
12:36 AM PST (link) ![]() Thursday, May 3, 2001 Lo siento, seņor. Ok, so I didn't do very well looking for idioms they use in Spain. Nonetheless, I did find "How not to be a bloody gringo in Mexico" and a mucho muy groovy glossary of Mexican "Spanglish" (a mix of obscenity and sarcasm from the Latino Comedy Project). (Speaking of which, I wonder how Al Lujan, a very funny and artistic man I used to work with who did Queer Latino Comedy, is doing?) Anyway, for the Roommate (who grew up thinking he wasn't gonna stay that color), "Que tan Mexicano eres.." (In Spanish, ¡pues claro!.)
12:29 AM PST (link) ![]() Weblog comings and goings Lots of weblog things happening. Steve's back! Lance closes Lancelog and Life Serial. Ernie takes a break. Brad delays his relaunch. A bunch of sites (no one I regularly read, though) "reboot". Whatever that was about. Now I really have to update my toys page. Jeez, why can't the Internet be more stable? (batting eyelashes)
10:52 AM PST (link) ![]() Tuesday, May 1, 2001 It's a chemical reaction, really. A little trauma today with a URL that got sent out as a plural which should have been a singular. It reminded me immediately of Buddy Cole from Kids in the Hall. "Such a lot of fuss over a few extra esses!"
02:21 PM PST (link) ![]() Monday, April 30, 2001 Dead Trees! Now that's a happy sight. Coming back from a physical therapy appointment to a big box from Powells. Glad I got to a good stopping point in Diablo 2 yesterday.
12:15 AM PST (link) ![]() Sunday, April 29, 2001 Every night the dream's the same. I hate it when the MP3 player reads my internal state and picks songs on shuffle to amplify whatever's there, especially sadness and dread. Anyone know how to turn that feature off? What...it doesn't? It's just in my brain? Ah. That explains it.
12:37 AM PST (link) ![]() |
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