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Friday, June 15, 2001 As fond of him as we are. Very telling reports on the violent protests in Sweden over "President" Bush's visit and the European Union summit. Sweden? Neutral, unoffensive Sweden? Yikes. Even amidst the violence (of Shrub's environmental agenda, that is,) I did get a chuckle from preparations they had to make in Warsaw: (From AFP story) Polish security agents held a training session earlier this week to practice protecting high-ranking officials from objects thrown by protestors, a favorite tactic of local activists who managed to hit former US president Bill Clinton with an egg during his visit last month. An anti-missle shield? Sort of a Strategic Vegetable Defense Initiative, or "Tomato Wars" as Ronnie would have called it.
02:02 PM PST (link) ![]() Ring, Ring. "Hello?" Apparantly one of our neighbors has been hearing the voices too. Mine just don't use the front door intercom.
10:24 AM PST (link) ![]() Thursday, June 14, 2001 What I don't post. I understand completely, Matt. There's too much that I don't put down here because "someone else posted it." But I do myself and other people a disservice. My Mom probably doesn't follow Jonno (though she may now! snicker). I don't think the Roommate reads Ernie. Our Mutual Friend probably doesn't know of Living Proof. So not only am I doing myself a disservice, I'm doing it to my primary audience too. I need to just post what I find amusing or interesting, when I see it. Like the cow song or the Glam Rock Name Generator (but call me Golden Cheeks and I'll slug you.)
01:57 PM PST (link) ![]() Wednesday, June 13, 2001 Your Funny Uncle. Neil Tennant of the Pet Shop Boys: "No, we're officially not allowed to rock." Caffeine is starting to take effect. Unable to concentrate...jittery...light coat of sweat on my upper lip...yup! We've arrived. Ack! The Breadcrumbs! I forgot the breadcrumbs! How can you dredge tomatoes without breadcrumbs! [grabbing coat...]
04:45 PM PST (link) ![]() Art, facing east. Looking for something to do this weekend and not in San Francisco? Catch the other half of the Pro Arts Gallery Open Studios in the East Bay. We saw a bunch of stuff last weekend, some interesting art glass and ceramics. I even found an $1100 painting that I considered buying. For a minute. I mean, really, where would I put it? Addendum: If instead you'd rather get a tattoo in Barcelona, es posible a Pro-Arts estudio de tatuaje. Si prefieren ustedes.
02:09 PM PST (link) ![]() Suggestions? So far my time off from work has been spent as you'd expect. Drinking coffee in my chair, surfing the Web, listening to Cibo Matto. On the list of things to do:
I think if I'm gonna do all this, I'll need the natural healing benefits and magic of espresso to do so. Heck, it's better than working. Anything you all think I should do?
01:47 PM PST (link) ![]() Monday, June 11, 2001 Why I should take a vacation. Why am I taking the last half of this week off? Because this is what I look at every day at work. I'm afraid that if I move anything I'll forget where it is. I either need a day to just organize my stuff or a hard drive crash to force me to start over. I have to say here I'd really prefer the first, in case the spirits of MTBF are accidentally listening.
02:56 PM PST (link) ![]() Lethal Rejection. [Montone:] McVeigh is finally put to death. Wow, I feel such an overriding sense of relief now. Now our great nation can finally feel our righteous vengance has been satisfied. Regardless, I'm glad everyone has handled it with such dignity. (Image found at filepile. Source Unknown.)
02:46 PM PST (link) ![]() Sunday, June 10, 2001 What were you doing? I take a weekend off from the Internet and you people let Feed and Suck go "on vacation"? Sheesh. (Link from sapphireblue.)
11:49 PM PST (link) ![]() |
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