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Casey/Male/31-35. Lives in United States/California/San Francisco/The Mission, speaks English and  . Spends 80% of daytime online. Uses a Faster (1M+) connection.
This is my blogchalk:
United States, California, San Francisco, The Mission, English, Spanish, Casey, Male, 31-35.

Who Links Here

Saturday, June 29, 2002

A Private Little Ceremony.

We ventured out into the sun for a little while to see my friends Sherilyn and Katrina in today's Domestic Partner Committment Ceremony. Congratulations and best wishes to these two wonderful women!

I think they said there were more than 200 couples there today! That was one crowded stage. Interesting couples abound, of course. I loved that there were people dressed in formals, and people in tank tops, and people in leathers, and people (well, just one couple) in matching hawaiian shirts. Those boys were wearing hilarious t-shirts underneath, which read, "JUST DOMESTICATED."

Well, I laughed, anyway.

04:26 PM PST (link)

All Others Pay Cash.

"In God We Trust" is printed on currency and coins. Does this amount to a religious intrusion?

Well, if, as athiests, we believe that there is no such thing as "God," isn't this tantamount to saying "In Nothing We Trust"? So in some ways, it's utterly appropriate for America today.

On the other hand, removing it from the currency would be a nice start.

in---wetrust (18k image)

12:14 AM PST (link)

Thursday, June 27, 2002

The Professor and the Madman.

Just call me Dr. Minor. Someone had to fill in that gaping hole in the Pseudodictionary, so why not me?

03:55 PM PST (link)

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

Dance Fever.

Back at work, back on cough syrup. I think I need more coffee; every time I close my eyes for a second the world spins around me like a ballerina for a second. And trying to work like this? Well, I'm dancing as fast as I can.

Speaking of, if you're not interested in learning to dance online, you can always just watch (requires Windows Media Player.) My favorite is the "Super Happy Japan Hour." (Link via I Love Bacon.)

05:08 PM PST (link)

Tuesday, June 25, 2002


When I was in 7th grade, I was mysteriously sick for about three or four weeks. I would seem well enough when I left for school, but by the time gym class rolled around I would have a fever, and the school nurse would call my mother to take me home. It wouldn't have been suspicious except that it always happened just before or during P.E.; it might be noted that I had quite a backlog of work in my math class immediately afterwards, so if I missed out on P.E. too, that would have been a bonus. But my memory is bad, and I don't remember if the backlog of homework was the cause or the result of being sick for so long.

I can't say what was going on in my head at the time, except that my temperature really was elevated—it would have been difficult to fake it with the school nurse, and I don't think I'd have even thought to try the light bulb trick until I saw Ferris Bueller years later.

So when the boyfriend asked me last night if I had a book report due, I had to think about it for a second. In retrospect I might have been well enough to go in to work today, but I elected not to; given my cough, I'm glad that I didn't. The only dilemma this presents is that I might not be able to take Friday off like I had hoped, but we'll see what I can arrange.

12:34 AM PST (link)


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