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Saturday, July 8, 2006
The NYC Plot.
While we wondered what kind of police activity had delayed trains at the White Plains station, we didn't realize there was a year-long (and not particularly evolved) plot involved. So far on our trip we've only discovered the following plots: - The plot to ensure that I am sweaty at all times and for every show we attend, where women sitting behind me will inevitably complain "My gosh, it's so cold in here!"
- The plot that every attractive man in New York City will have his shirt unbuttoned at least halfway down his chest, causing both me and the Boyfriend either whiplash or risk of injury from walking out into traffic.
- The plot causing them to serve ginormous portions at every restaurant we eat at, ensuring difficulty when squeezing into an airplane seat next week
- The plot involving the number of sales in SoHo clothing boutiques, draining precious funds that could be used for home repairs (aka, homeland security) instead to, say, shoes.
We're here for two more days—give me a shout if you want to meetup or something. Let'th party.
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