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Friday, August 10, 2001 Signs of unusual import. Today: OK, Who are you and what have you done with myself?
05:44 PM PST (link) ![]() Thursday, August 9, 2001 Don't try this at home. "Figure 4.4 shows partitioning of the drive using an ordinary hacksaw. Partitioning in this manner is advantageous over fdisk because it allows partitioning of individual platters and is independent of operating system. You also get to make cute designs." (Link via Dan.)
03:17 PM PST (link) ![]() Happy Little Tables. It's all clear to me now. My purpose in life. I want to be the Bob Ross of Web Design.
12:37 AM PST (link) ![]() Tuesday, August 7, 2001 Helpin' out an Oakland Blogger. Well, certainly, Bill. I don't know if I'm actually being crawled by the Blogdex yet, but I'll definitely link to your NYC Queer Blogmeet photos anyway, mostly because I'm happy that Choire (AKA RJ from EastWest) finally posted his picture on the Web. Hooray for non-anonymity! I like being able to associate faces with people's words. Just don't ask where my pictures are.
06:24 PM PST (link) ![]() Worrisome comments. The Roommate just sent me an ICQ: If you get home [from work] before I get back (ha-ha) DON'T TOUCH anything...
05:05 PM PST (link) ![]() Hot Mormon Action! On the train to work today, there were a couple of Mormon (my friend always says the second "M" is silent) missionaries sitting there, minding there own business. It was notable that they were an slightly older couple, I assume husband and wife, and not the usual pair of just-post-pubescent boys who travel together and want to talk earnestly with you about the Church of Latter Day Saints. But the thing that really struck me were their nametags: Elder Love and Sister Love. I immediately thought of Geriatric Lesbian Porn. Is this a sign that something's wrong with me?
09:58 AM PST (link) ![]() Monday, August 6, 2001 Monday Morning Statements of Fact. The San Francisco City Hall Passport office is totally uncrowded at 8:30am, so if you have to apply for a passport, keep that in mind. Yay! After a couple months of looking at the same text phrase, someone at The Brunching Shuttlecocks has finally updated Tina. I've submitted this site to the Blogdex. I'm not quite sure what it will actually measure as news and "memes" go other than aggregate totals of things. Though it's pretty neat as a content site. And as blog material. (grin) Actually, a high ranking site on the Blogdex that I wasn't going to link to "because everyone else did" was the Personality Disorder Test, which must be flawed because it said I was low-risk across the board. Someone I spoke to who recently though he was losing his mind (he knows who he is) should try this for shits and giggles. This opinion piece is best read while eating Ben and Jerry's out of the carton. I've seen a bunch of people do this, so me too. I'm worth $2,179,920.00. Cute, but meaningless. Be sure to give them a spam-ready email address and opt out of their email collection program.
10:19 AM PST (link) ![]() Sunday, August 5, 2001 No Scary Clowns. Bill Irwin is not your ordinary circus clown. Let me highly recommend Fool Moon with Bill Irwin and David Shiner. The humor is suitable for children, even, and they still had me clutching my sides. Between the highly physical comedy of Irwin and the confrontational razz of Shiner, I realized that I was actually seeing two people perform a Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck routine— all it's Toon ridiculousness and unreal physics—and do it better than their animated counterparts. Incredible. Second-row seats helped, since there's plenty of audience participation; I was a plant for a camera gag that even caught me off guard.
09:18 PM PST (link) ![]() |
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