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Saturday, September 7, 2002 Clear Liquors Only On The White Carpet! 14 hours of sleep. I must have been tired. Though my arms hurt now, I presume from sleeping on them. And I have approximately four minutes to drink a cup of coffee (The Anti-Nap™) before the Boyfriend picks me up. We'll see if I'm able to hold up my glass at the cocktail party tonight, or if they'll just prop me up in a corner with a drinking straw. Cheers.
05:01 PM PST (link) ![]() Thursday, September 5, 2002 I Want 'Bela Lugosi's Dead' On Mine! Musical ringtones: yet another reason why I should never carry a firearm. Someone in our office has been testing new ringtones on their cellphone all this week, and none of us are particularly pleased. Especially when they leave it on their desk and walk away. Tuesday it was the Pink Panther theme. OK, enough negativity; time for bingo. 10:30 PM Addendum: Cab driver on the way home? "Ode to Joy." Lucky for him I'm too tired to be violent.
04:26 PM PST (link) ![]() Wednesday, September 4, 2002 The Plastic People On A Wedding Cake. A friend of mine at work got married this past weekend. They had a small ceremony—just a few close friends and family. For all of last week, all the people in our office (especially the married women, it seemed) found perverse joy in trying to make him sweat. "Only a few more days and it's final!" To his credit, he was pretty cool through all this harassment, or else he was just too numb with fear to notice. I tried to play Devil's Advocate on a coffee break once. "Is anything really going to be different being married than where you are now in your relationship? You'll still love each other. You'll continue to live together. You'll still pay bills and work and go out with friends." "The biggest difference," he said after a pause, "is that this means it's all permanent, 'til death do us part. Which is frightening, but good at the same time." I knew that was the answer, but had forgotten. In an age of the "Defense of Marriage" act, I stung myself with that line of questioning. This weekend, some friends of the Boyfriend and I are renewing their vows in a very private ceremony—just us and them. We talked with them over dinner about what they were going to say. Thankfully I'm just the witness; I might have suggested Michele's hypothetical vows or to compare against some celebrity vows. But I didn't have any real suggestions for them. I grew up thinking that gay people didn't get weddings. I'm pretty sure that permanence in a relationship is really more about something that's in your head than something that's on a piece of paper. So wedding vows aren't something I thought I'd have to worry about, at least not seriously. Then again, when I surprised him at his place this evening, the Boyfriend was watching "Gay Weddings" on Bravo. So what do I know?
01:58 AM PST (link) ![]() Like This Chair? We Rendered It! I'm back. Didn't go anywhere, though. Well, I did take a trip around the neighborhood (Gee, thanks a lot, Vince!), cruised around to some spots I missed the first time on the islands, and began a brief visit to Ireland. Let me tell you, for how little I paid for it, this chair is remarkably comfortable. Even as late as it is, I'm struggling against myself not to pop Clive Barker's Undying back into the CD player. While I'm not very good at first-person shooter games (mostly the not-getting-shot part), I used to enjoy them a lot: Marathon, Quake, Unreal...but eventually I started feeling motion-sickness after playing them for a short time. But oddly, I played this for hours last night, and was really having fun. The story and the graphics...the game is just really creepy—like, Call of Cthulhu rapidly-losing-sanity-points creepy. Run-away-crying-like-a-baby creepy. As I checked out a cleft in the rocks, the Roommate quipped: "That's just a hiding place so that you can change your soiled underwear without the monsters looking at you." After three days of being plugged in, though, the real world has started to look quite...er...Unreal.
01:58 AM PST (link) ![]() |
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