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Friday, October 10, 2003 Hall Of Horrors, Mailbox Of Meat. It seems like the flood of returned mail has lessened today, for the first time in a couple of weeks. Its unusual that the spam coming in outnumbers the spoofed messages coming back. However I'm not holding my breath that it'll stay that way, particularly not if I post about it—that seemed to jinx it last time. Since that last post on September 25th, I've received about 2500 bounces, mostly from AOL, in addition to my Daily Recommended Allowance of spam. I've kept all the spoofed mail as if I could do something with it, though it feels a little grotesque, like I'm keeping a jar with all my old scabs and toenail clippings in it. My own Spam Museum. Yesterday I noted two things: 1. I got my first flame-mail response from an actual live person who'd received mail, and 2. the spammers are now using this domain in the forged return address as well as drowning dot com. I sent a polite, apologetic note back to the person who told me where to insert my message, but who can say if AOL is even accepting email from this domain any longer, let alone if the recipient would ever open it. So if you're visiting this site because of the spam, please believe me that I didn't send it. I wouldn't have asked for this; I promise. And if you haven't received an email from me but expected to, I might have missed your message, or else I might just be tired from dealing with everything else.
06:18 PM PST (link) ![]() Thursday, October 9, 2003 Enemy Frigate Off The Starboard Bow! Son of a bitch. Every year the damn thing sneaks up on me. The Blue Angels just buzzed the financial district and I nearly leapt under my desk, thinking Arnold had come to raze the city. "Zo you deedun't vant to vote for me, Zan Franzisko? Eat zis!" I may need to go home and change.
12:35 AM PST (link) ![]() Wednesday, October 8, 2003 Waking Up With A Bodybuilder. From a few recent posts I've made, you'd think that all I ever did was drink. Gosh, no; I come into the office between drinking binges! I have had quite a few cocktail events to attend these past few weeks, and have more planned this week. Thankfully I'm usually one to know my limits. Except last night. Well, I'm a little hung over this morning. I kept trying to steel up my courage to actually sing karaoke at Katrina's birthday excursion last night, but ended up overshooting the mark. Wow, I was so out of it, I imagined that we elected an experienceless actor/former bodybuilder to the state's highest post. Ha ha! That would have been funny. Wait...we what? Oh god, I need a drink.
10:18 AM PST (link) ![]() Tuesday, October 7, 2003 Fiat Justitia Et Pereat Mundus. I went to vote before work this morning. This time it was back at the Animal Control shelter, instead of the slightly dodgy residence hotel it's been the past few years or the Retarded Citizens center from last time. I always expect to see Michael there at the shelter, but I don't think that's even the building where he works. The woman who was checking me in at the polling place had a difficult time understanding which was my first and which was my last name. It took three of us to convince her to look under the right initial. That took longer than actually filling out the ballot. The three other pollworkers had looks on their faces that clearly said, if Democracy is in this woman's hands, we're all in a lot of trouble. On my way to the bus stop afterwards, I found a card in the street again. I nearly walked past it, but this card had an unmistakeable pattern on the back; I knew immediately that it was a tarot card. It was bent, a little dirty, very ragged and lying face down on the sidewalk. I flipped it over for a reading: The card was Justice.
01:20 PM PST (link) ![]() Monday, October 6, 2003 Wish I Had Just One Pure Wish. This weekend a sweet man and friend of mine married the woman he loves. My best wishes to the two of them for a long, happy life together. My message to them stops there, but I can't keep the rest of it back. I'm pleased to honor their commitment, even as the pResident declares (in shiny happy words) that I don't deserve the favor. I wish I could just give my warm blessings to a newly married couple, but I can't seem to let the rest of it go, to forget that much of the country believes I am a second-class citizen for something over which I had little to no control. I should be working right now, but I'm having a hard time being a happy cog in the capitalist machine right now, content with having tenuous rights to second-best in a state where the Big-Energy puppet candidate would happily do away with them again. I wish I could just see wedding white for my friend, instead of red for those others. Californians, please remember: Vote No on everything tomorrow. Related story: CHARLOTTE, N.C. - U.S. Rep. Cass Ballenger blames the breakup of his 50-year marriage partly on the stress of living near a leading American Muslim advocacy group that he and his wife worried was so close to the U.S. Capitol that "they could blow the place up." So how long before the "Defence of Non-Muslim Marriage" act passes?
03:45 PM PST (link) ![]() |
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