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Friday, November 9, 2001 Alternative Entertainment. Looking for truly memorable entertainment for your company this year? Have you considered hiring tribute acts? What about a Novelty band? Credit where it's due, Prince SF Productions has a number of estimable artists represented there like El Vez and the Kinsey Sicks...and is Pussy Tourette still performing? I mean, I didn't even know she put out a second album in 1996.... ...and hey! I've met him! Comic Mark "Mavis" Davis. He was friends with an old roommate (who sang backup for Pussy Tourette) when I first moved to San Francisco. A cute, sweet, funny man, looks like he's working the Gay Cruise circuit (I mean the big passenger ships, not the alleyways behind the bar.)
08:39 PM PST (link) ![]() Wednesday, November 7, 2001 What to do with them? A bunch of links that frankly, I don't know what to do with:
10:51 PM PST (link) ![]() Quizaholic. "48 points: You are a casual weblogger. You only blog when you have nothing better to do, which is not very often. There's nothing wrong with that. But if you'd post a little more often, you'd make your readers very happy." "We think you are Straight and we are 31.77% confident with our answer." And finally, the color quiz, an online implementation of the Lūscher color tests. If you really want to see my extended answer, you can click "more" below and find out what the hell my problem is, or something. (See More)
03:11 PM PST (link) ![]() Words maketh the man? I find it interesting that Aaron, who I met in person at the Blogmeet in September, seemed to remember me with blue-black dyed hair. I've had the same dark brown hair since I was pretty small. (I was slow in the hair department as an infant, and the hair that grew first was blonde, like my mother's.) It's interesting to me that the way one writes—the topics one discusses, the words one chooses—can actually affect they way a reader sees an author, particuarly if one has seen the writer in person. I know I "see" certain writers and online journal-keepers and have been surprised when I finally saw their actual appearance. I'd also be interested to know what other someone who's never seen a picture of me but has only read my words thinks I look like. And as far as dyed hair, I only tried coloring my hair once, which was kind of a disaster. But it could still happen.
03:10 PM PST (link) ![]() Tuesday, November 6, 2001 Tell me what my opinion is. I don't know where I failed this time, but it's like I've got a test in Civics that I didn't study for. I have no idea how I'm going to vote in today's election. I tried reading the ballot pamphlet last night and got as far as Initiative B before my eyes hurt. And if voter turnout may be light today, the votes that do get cast are that much more important. I may have to rely on one of the endorsement lists that I generally ignore. (The socialist party didn't send me theirs, however....) I'm especially confused by the MUD board. Why do we need government interference in our Multi-User Dungeons?
01:22 PM PST (link) ![]() Monday, November 5, 2001 Chemical Spill. I wanted to post Halloween shots here so you could compare my Dark Angel costume to Philo's, but it's gonna be a few days. I probably should have gone somewhere besides the esteemable (but somewhat attitudinal) Adolph Gasser to develop these...this feels a little like having Ansel Adams develop your vacation snaps, except that he's throwing shade while you're paying him. But it's close to work, and I was able to scratch something off my red-hot out-of-control to-do list.
03:00 PM PST (link) ![]() Sunday, November 4, 2001 Kitty! Monsters Inc. was cute, funny, well-animated, and sweet. Sure, you can guess the ending within the first 20 minutes, but it's a fun trip getting there. And did you really expect a revolutionary storyline in a Disney/Pixar animated film? I would have been surprised if it didn't. I might go see it again with the Boyfriend to see what the digital projection looks like by comparison. (A confession...I've never seen any of the other Pixar animated films in their entirety. No reason why not; it just never happened. I'll have to borrow the roommate's DVDs.) Actually, I think this may have been the first time I've ever seen a big studio movie on its opening weekend. Oh, and there was some sort of teaser trailer for some Clone movie or something that everyone got all quiet for. I dunno, Star Something; it looked vaguely familiar. All told it was about 20 seconds of preview in about 45 seconds of moody instrumental music. Afterwards someone in the theater shouted out, "That's it?" We laughed. (Another confession: I've never seen any of the Star Whatchacallit movies in one sitting. I've seen all of Episode Four, but only a half at a time.) And the Harry Potter movie looks really well art directed. I may have to see it for that alone.
02:57 PM PST (link) ![]() |
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