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Thursday, December 2, 2004 Euphemistically Speaking, Everything's Just Great. I am not dressed entirely in black today. As I once heard someone remark, "Yeah, somedays I just have to wear the other color." Usually when I don't wear black (or the optional goth combo of black and dark red) I get some interesting reactions at work. Today I am wearing a white tuxedo shirt which has (purposeful) paint splatters across the front of it in blue, brown and green. It's kind of stylish, in a retro 80's sort of way, but only for maybe another five minutes more, so I' m trying to get whatever use out of while I can still leave the house with it on. (This is why I usually wear black: when I do choose to wear colors, I tend towards those items on the edges of fashionability. In fewer words, I think I have crummy taste in clothes.) I walked out of my office and a pair of my cow-orkers were talking in the aisle by someone's desk. As I rounded the corner, the woman facing me stopped mid-sentance and stared at my midriff. Her face made a grimace as if she'd been afflicted with a bad palsy; she struggled to turn it into a smile, and said, "That's a great shirt." Great as a euphemism for "greatly terrifying," it seems. But then, we live in the golden age of the euphemism, after all. So why not? How did that comment make me feel? Like a Great! big loser! I'm Great!ly offended! Things are Great! if you're a masochist. No, you're right. I can't keep that up. It was starting to grate.
03:13 PM PST (link) ![]() Wednesday, December 1, 2004 World AIDS Day 2004. Shamble. Roxbury.
Just a friendly reminder to the InterWebNet. Yes, even the spammers. While treatments have come a long way, there is still no "antidote" for AIDS. There is, however, an antidote to intolerance and ignorance. And though we're only asked to remember it one day a year, it is still urgent—every day. Be safe. Be healthy. Be informed. Be compassionate.
03:51 PM PST (link) ![]() Sunday, November 28, 2004 Sick People Who Are Just Sick People. Originally posted November 27, 2004: And if you're truly short of funds (because George knows how much better our economy is today,) just send some warm thoughts to Sebastian down in Darwin, Australia. Whether he was run down by someone as a hate crime or for any reason, remember that this could be any of us; be grateful for our health and our freedoms. Here's hoping for his speedy recovery. Oops. On the other hand, it could all turn out to be a hoax. Sebastian claims this to be the work of a third party. I don't know the man, so I'm hardly in a position to vouch for this one way or another. At least—as far as I know—the hoax never got as far as the Kaycee Nicole Hoax. I can't quite understand the desire to spin a tale bordering on Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy, but it's at least interesting to have been on the periphery of such a thing. Relatedly, if any of my readers or blog friends are, in fact, imaginary, now would be a perfect time to let me know. Thanks.
12:17 AM PST (link) ![]() |
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