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Friday, December 16, 2005 Because You Can Always Talk About Food And The Weather. So I was recently spotted eating Dim Sum. Proof that I do occasionally do things that aren't World of Warcraft related. (Indeed, a lot of other things...for instance, I've been playing Animal Crossing: Wide World quite a bit this week...leave a note if you want my friend code.) Dim Sum, as my fellow vegetarian dining companion noted, is always a hit-or-miss sort of affair. After a few false starts and clarifications with the staff on what constitutes "meat" (Prawns? How about octopus? No? Can you eat around the pork?) we had a steady stream of steaming carts of veggies coming by our table. I still have to find something to do with the (veggie) furikake I picked up while we were out. Similarly, at a recent staff lunch, there was a menu item called "Chicken Tofu Patty Sandwich." Recognizing this kind of identity confusion as a warning sign, I asked before ordering it. Yes, the waitress confirmed, it's a patty that's made out of both tofu and chicken. I declined and instead ordered a very large plate of what-the-fuck. Salad. I had lots of salad. Tomorrow night is The Boyfriend's holiday party—at a steak house. I am apparantly the only vegetarian in attendence, so I'm getting ready to identify myself to the staff and other attendees as the "special needs" guest. Of course, at least they've got a meal for me...at my own company party, I had to pick up a burrito on the way home. I should head home and figure out what to bake this evening; I think tonight we're going to need every heat-producing object in the house turned on. For San Francisco, it's flippin' cold today— about 45°F. I realize that's balmy compared with much of the country, but what can I say? I have special needs. And salad.
06:40 PM PST (link) ![]() |
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